Thursday, 2 February 2017

Sales people please don't call me!

To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as guide to our communication with others.      

Tony Robbins
I got a call from one of my old friends. He was getting a tough time getting through a client, who was CTO of a major multinational. He met this CTO in a conference and later called him to get business. Just to help my friend, from this distress I asked him to meet me at a cafĂ© nearby. We met and discussed what he is going through. It seemed unreasonable from the perspective of my friend initially. As inquisitive as I can get, I asked my friend how many times he has called the other guy. He said every other day… I smiled and knew what was going wrong with the whole thing.

Let's see where are the gaps.If I call you every other day and ask you if you would like to buy my product, believe me, you will bang my head with whatever thing comes first in your hand. No, seriously! I don’t want to get bothered by your products, I live in my own sweet world where your call disturbs me.See it like a mirror if the mirror is tarnished will you be able to see yourself in the mirror. So, what do you have to do? Go clean the mirror. It’s that simple. So, change yourself and give people out there, a breather.

Sweaty palms, shortness of breath and crippling anxiety make us do things which we should not be doing. Giving people time, respecting their privacy and giving them time to think in an empathetic manner not only gives them time to take valid action but will also show how compassionate we are as humans. Sorry to say, people like to do business with humans which and not with robots.
Life, commerce, sales all fall to the basics. The basic is talk to others as you would want others to talk to you. There is no other way than being considerate and compassionate about human life as such.

We salespeople must plow through 100 names each day to get to a point where we are lucky enough to reach to 2-3 names which come under the category of promising leads. I understand it is one of the hardest things to do but what makes sales more effective and eventually get you the results are simple techniques which govern our day to day life.

I know I might be sounding too cynical and ideally correct. However, if you work in the selling profession, then cold calls and prospecting for new business is an essential part of any sales role.You need to quickly acquire the vital skills and tools you need to start closing more sales sooner rather than later.So here I am discussing with you few things which work every time regardless.

Plan whom you would be calling. What that person does?What are his interests?In the last decade, things have become easier with rising social media platform. Next thing is, you need to know exactly what you would be talking to that person.

Don’t pitch as if you are a robot. I bet if this art would have been so easy bots would have been cold calling …. Jokes apart. I know you would say Yay! Neha don’t make it so difficult. Hey, lets see this little closer, it’s not even a secret that we humans like to socialize, so if there is someone interesting and valuable we would like to connect with him at very instant.

When I tell people that I love cold calling and talking to new people every day they look at me as if I am a monster with one big eye in the middle of my forehead. They ask "Don’t people hang up on you or get mad that you’re trying to sell them something?”

Sure, it happens. Everyone has his good or bad days. Does that mean I should lose that 1% chance to sell my product? No, never cold calling is like a gold mining in which you must know the art of digging gold at the right place with right tools.Unless the horse realizes that it is thirsty you can only take him to the water but can’t make him drink. Right?

In my next blog, I would take you through the details of what things to keep in mind when making that one important sales call and what to do next when you put the phone down. Till then signing off on a positive note that you need persuasion skills in every walk of your life. You must be wondering what happened to that friend of mine with whom I was having coffee. I would share his experience in my next post. See you around my friend.

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